EC2022 Board approves detailed Munich timetable

The latest version of the detailed timetable for the European Championships Munich 2022 has been approved by the EC2022 Board following intensive consultation coordinated by European Championships Management and involving the Munich LOC, Broadcast Partner European Broadcasting Union and its members, and the participating Federations.

ECM Director, Sports, Nicolas Duchoud, said, ‘’We have made a significant step after the World Broadcaster Meeting in November in now being able to provide such a detailed multi-sport timetable to the International Broadcasters, allowing them a bit more than seven months prior to the opening day to make plans for the event and finalise programming. I would like to thank all the stakeholders for their contribution over the past few months, with a huge amount of work having gone into the further development of the timetable considering all sporting, organisational, infrastructure and media requirements.’’

The vision of creating a must-watch, must-attend event that elevates the Champions of Europe underpins the European Championships timetable development, with the central aim to create the most compelling programme possible for spectators on-site and those watching at home – ultimately increasing broadcast exposure for participating sports and athletes within a multi-sport environment.

A detailed interactive EC2022 timetable for each sport can be found on the European Championships website homepage here, and a PDF version is available here.


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