We Moved for Solidarity

This month, the focus of the European Championships Munich 2022 initiative Count & Last is to make a valuable contribution to the social sustainability of Munich 2022. Therefore, on Sunday 24 April, the Move For Solidarity Day took place in Olympiapark. The sports festival was held for children and young people both from Ukraine and from other areas who have arrived in Munich specifically. But of course, all Munich children, youth and interested people were welcomed with open arms.  

The action day was initiated in cooperation with the Munich Sports Youth, the BLSV and the City of Munich. 20 clubs, associations and other organisations offered a sports programme to participate in and informed the visitors about their integrative sports offers.

Fitness and Dance Munich kicked things off with a Zumba class. However, there was plenty of choice in activities:

  • Baseball – Baseballclub München Caribes e.V.

  • Cheerleading - Dynamic Cheer Athletics ESV München

  • Crossminton - SpeedLights München e.V.

  • Fußball - SpVgg Höhenkirchen e.V.

  • Handball – FC Bayern München e.V.

  • Inlineskating – Skatescout Bernhard Orthuber

  • Jonglieren & Einradfahren - USC München, Abteilung Einradfahren & JiM e.V.

  • Judo - Samurai München e.V.

  • Jumping Fitness - Fitness and Dance Munich

  • Klettern - "Ich will da rauf!" e.V. (Inklusives Klettern)

  • Leichtathletik – BLV / LG Stadtwerke München

  • Radsport – Bayerischer Radsportverband und Verkehrswacht

  • Roundnet - Munich Roundnet Community e.V.

  • Rugby - Rugby Club Unterföhring e.V.

  • Skateboarding – Skateschule München

  • Spiel & Spaß für Kids - Schwimmclub Wasserfreunde München von 1912 e. V.

  • Spiele für Kinder - Students for Children

  • Tanzen - TSG München e.V.

  • Tennis – TC Weiß-Blau Fideliopark e.V.

  • Voltigieren - Voltigierverein Starnberg e.V.

The clubs received linguistic support from English- and Russian-speaking volunteers who were on duty as interpreters. Not only the volunteers were highly motivated and committed, but also all the active participants. Every person who filled their stamp card with six sports received a certificate. And to mark Orthodox Easter, there were sweets to match as well.


In addition to the sporting programme, a benefit concert took place. Performers were Affentheater, Dichter, Color Comic, JB's First. The musicians were very happy to be on an open-air stage again and to play on such an important occasion. The weather also cooperated and only at the end there was a rain dance to the music of JB's First.


Many Ukrainian children from shelters and private households participated. They were all allowed to choose a cuddly toy and a piece of sports equipment. Numerous donations in kind were collected for more such gifts, and the donation-based muffin bar was especially popular in the afternoon. Many thanks again to all donors and cake bakers.  

Attention was also drawn to our fundraising campaign in cooperation with Help Ukraine Munich. We will continue to collect your sporting donations and cuddly toys (new or freshly washed) during the eighth Count & Last project until the end of April. Drop them off at our office or send your donations to LOC European Championships Munich 2022 (Spiridon-Louis-Ring 22, 80809 München). You can find more information here


European Championships Munich 2022 on the Final Stretch


We Moved for Solidarity