France, Italy, Spain, UK workshops completed as ECM continues National Federation promotional roadshow for European Championships Munich 2022

European Championships Management is carrying out a series of National Federation Workshops across Europe in May and June, promoting the multi-sport European Championships in several countries ahead of the second edition of the event in Munich in August.

The promotional workshops bring together the National Federations of the nine participating sports and the respective Rights-Holding Broadcaster in several countries.

ECM launched the roadshow with a meeting at the ‘Sala Champions’ at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, Italy. Other workshops have already taken place in Paris, Madrid, and at the Elite Athlete Centre at Loughborough University, England.

Upcoming workshops are taking place mid-June with National Federations and Broadcasters from Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Based on the event philosophy that ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’, the workshops focus on the National Federations’ important role in the event’s general communication and promotion strategy and how they can work together to promote Munich 2022 with the support of the broadcasters, ECM, and the Local Organising Committee.

ECM is providing promotional assets available for use by the stakeholders to raise awareness ahead of the event and support the local organising committee’s ticket sales promotion.

ECM Director, Communications, James Mulligan said, “We know from experience of the first European Championships in 2018 that National Federations play an important role in raising awareness ahead of the event. There are over 400 Federations across the participating sports, and we are looking to stimulate how and when they communicate about Munich 2022. We have been delighted by the engagement, interest, and support shown so far in the workshops, not only for Munich but for future editions of the European Championships.”

“There was lots of interest from participants in how the power of aggregation impacts media coverage of their respective sports. Many were amazed to see that overall media coverage in 2018 was 2.5 times higher compared to the standalone European championships in 2014 (322m in 2014 v 790m in 2018).”


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